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Jury Duty

Is Food Provided At Jury Duty? What to Expect

Who Provides Food for Jury Duty?

You may likely have to serve jury duty at some point in your life. But you may have questions about what that looks like. The idea of jury duty may sound like a long process for a day far in the future, but you may want to think about a few factors before brushing it off in your mind. Jury duty can last up to a few days usually, but it can last even longer depending on the case.

So, is food provided at jury duty? Yes, food, snack, and drink vending machines are often present at jury duty. Jury duty can often take the entire day, so you should be prepared to be there from around 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Jurors can expect it to be a long day and are encouraged to bring in reading materials. If you are someone who likes to snack throughout the day, you may consider bringing in a snack or two. You’ll have multiple breaks throughout the day and will have time to snack and get drinks during them. 

You’ll have at least an hour for lunch. There are often eating establishments near the courthouse within walking distance. In most courthouses, there is a snack bar located on the main floor of the courthouse. You are allowed to bring your own lunch if you wish. The food, snack, and drink vending machines are also located on the main floor. 

The Importance of Jurors

Every person in the United States has the privilege to a trial by jury, whether or not that person is a citizen. This right is included in the Constitution of the United States and local state constitutions. Citizens of the state in which a trial is held perform their civic duty during jury trials. Jurors are essential and appreciated. Being on a jury can be a rewarding experience since you’re helping the justice system

Who Can Serve as a Juror

All County residents are obligated by law to serve as a juror. Unless you are under the age of 18, are not a citizen, or you have been convicted of a felony and your civil rights have not been restored, then you are required to serve jury duty. 

Here’s a list of disqualifiers. If you are a(n):

  • Supreme Court Justice
  • Court of Civil Appeals Justice
  • Criminal Appeals Judge
  • District Court Judge
  • Deputy Sheriff
  • Licensed Attorney Engaged in the Practice of Law
  • Legislator During the Session of the Legislature or When Involved in State Business


If you meet any of these qualifications, then you cannot serve as a juror. Law enforcement officers or jailers, state and federal, can serve on noncriminal actions only. People who are over 70 years old and people who’ve served on jury duty within the past five years aren’t required to serve as jurors. If you do not believe you are qualified to serve as a juror, you can call the Jury Clerk or the courthouse to explain why. 

You can learn more about why you were picked for jury duty here.

Rescheduling Your Jury Duty

You are allowed to postpone your initial appearance for jury service one time only. You can request your service to be rescheduled to a more convenient time. You’re able to reschedule your jury duty to a date up to six months from your summons date. Subsequent requests to postpone jury service are handled by a Judge on the day of your initial appearance. 


How do I prepare for Jury Duty?

Usually, jurors’ hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., unless you’re informed otherwise by court personnel. You should expect to stay the entire day and are encouraged to bring something like a book or a small project to pass the time while you wait. The Jury Assembly Room is equipped with WIFI. 

You’ll typically have a one-hour lunch break. You can easily access several eating establishments within walking distance from the most court houses. As mentioned before, you can bring a lunch for yourself. Food, snack, and drink vending machines are on the main floor. Breaks you’ll take will be announced throughout the day. 

If you need wheelchair access, there are ramps located at the District Court of Tulsa County’s library level entrance. Keep in mind that the courthouse is a nonsmoking environment. ATMs are also available in the building. 

You should also review basic courtroom etiquette for visitors before arriving at jury duty.

What do I wear to jury duty?

Expect to wear business casual clothing as it is the minimum dress standard for jurors. Keep in mind that the temperature will vary from the assembly room to the courtrooms. You are encouraged to wear multiple layers. Any shorts or tank tops are not acceptable or appropriate. Appropriate attire for jury duty is similar to what to wear to a deposition as a defendant. When in doubt, select comfortable yet conservative clothing.

You’ll usually be able to find parking near the courthouse, but you may have to find and pay for parking yourself. You can find parking maps online or on your summons. You can find Tulsa bus routes for your convenience online. Jurors are often paid $20.00 per day plus mileage. The mileage rate is currently $0.58, set by the state and calculated from your home zip code to the courthouse. 

When You Arrive at Jury Duty

When you arrive, jurors report to the Jury Assembly Room in the basement with your summons. Once you are selected, you go directly to the courtroom. 

When You Leave Jury Duty

When you are dismissed from a courtroom, you’ll be told to return to the Jury Assembly Room. Returning jurors should check-in at the counter and tell the staff that the court has released you. If you are still there during the juror hours, you may be reassigned to another court. If there aren’t any more trials that need jurors for the day, you’ll be dismissed and released from your service. 

What if I fail to appear at jury duty?

If a juror who is summoned willfully and without reasonable excuse fails to appear for their jury duty, they may be found to be in contempt and subject to penalties provided by law. If you fail to appear on the date summoned, write to the Jury clerk explaining your situation. Don’t forget to include your Jury ID number

Delays with Jury Duty

When you go to serve your jury duty, there may appear to be many time delays. However, rest assured that this time is being used by the judge and attorneys to work on matters that must be done without the jury’s presence. These “delay” times are often unplanned and unexpected. For example, a case may be settled before a trial starts, which would eliminate the need for a jury. 

Navigating a Visit to Court

Going to court is never easy or fun, but if you find yourself in a situation where you need a personal injury attorney, it is important to hire a reliable team! A reliable, dependable, and accessible legal team will eliminate much of the stress surrounding your visit to court.

While a summons for jury duty often leaves residents with feelings of anxiety, remember that it is a privilege and honor to participate in our legal system in this way! And who knows, you may even have the opportunity to be a small part of a fascinating trial!

Are you still looking to learn more about the legal system? You can find more simple legal information here.

Written By

Matt has over 10 years of legal writing experience. He's worked and written for legal websites for serval websites including Truskett Law, Bruner Law, Jeffrey & Erwin, Gary Crews, PLLC., Deposition Academy, and Wagner & Lynch.


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