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What Type of Lawyer to Hire After a Crash: Complete Guide
What Type of Lawyer to Hire After a Crash: Complete Guide

Personal Injury Law

What Type of Lawyer to Hire After a Crash: Complete Guide

What Type of Lawyer to Hire After a Crash: Complete Guide

The unfortunate truth about our world today is that it is very likely that at some point in your life, you will be involved in a car accident. Now, hopefully, your car crash is not a very serious one, that requires you to use the services of a lawyer. But if it does, many people wonder what type of layer they need. We’ve pulled together this information to help you if you find yourself wondering the same thing.

What type of lawyer should you hire after a crash? If you are involved in a car crash, you need a car crash lawyer or a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers are specially trained to help you receive compensation for the physical or psychological injuries you might have received as the result of a car crash. 

Personal injury lawyers assist with cases involving car crashes, medical malpractice, slip and falls, assault and battery, and many other types of cases. It is the job of these lawyers to win you your well-deserved compensation for the damages that you’ve received.

Luckily, there are many lawyers that work personal injury cases, but if you are wanting the best possible result, you will want to hire a lawyer that specializes in personal injuries, such as car crashes.

How to Hire Car Crash Lawyers

This process is much like how you buy any service or product. That is, do your research! There are plenty of websites, like this one, that provides great advice on the matter. For instance, if you are wanting to know how long personal injury cases last, we have articles that cover that.


Every amount of information you can gather on how to proceed with your case will be invaluable. The more you know about the process, the better you can judge potential lawyers to represent you. But we also must warn you not to take too long, as there is a statute of limitations on how long after an incident you can seek compensation for damages.

So, quickly start on the information gathering process before moving on to judging specific lawyers and attorney offices. Once you feel comfortable enough, start with a google search. We advise you to search “(Your City) Personal Injury Lawyers” or you can try “(Your City) Car crash Lawyers.” Either one will help close in your search and weed out all the lawyers who do not specialize in this specific area of expertise.

Once you have gathered a fair few lawyers that you are interested in, start by reviewing them. Check their google reviews, yelp review, even their websites for testimonials. Every input on your potential service provider that you can find, will help ensure to you as to what they can offer and what they are not very good at.

After narrowing down your selection of layers, it is time to call them and set up a type of interview. Some attorney offices offer a free consultation. This is when they interview you and get an idea of your case, but you can use it to interview them as well. When completing this step, here are some questions that you will want to keep in mind:

  • What percentage of your practice is devoted to car accident cases?
  • What specific experience do you have with car accident cases?
  • What is the typical settlement range for cases that are similar to mine?
  • How much of my car crash case will you actually handle, and what are my responsibilities?
  • How are your fees structured?
  • What, if any, out-of-pocket expenses am I responsible for?


These questions will help you judge how much this specific lawyer can help you, as well as how much they believe in your case. You do not want to hire a car crash lawyer that does not believe in your case, as they will not do everything they can to help you receive the proper compensation that you deserve.

What to do After Hiring a Car Crash Lawyer

Once you have completed all of your interviews, you have finally narrowed down your possible lawyers to the final one. Now the process of actually fighting your case can begin! But remember, this process can take some time, so be prepared for the long fight.

However, do not let that discourage you from fighting for you right of fair compensation for the damages done upon you, by the defendant (the person you are putting the claim on).

As mentioned in our article that breaks down personal injury cases, when you have chosen your lawyer, and have started your fight, it is imperative that you provide as much detail, information and proof as possible to your lawyer.

Every amount of information you can provide will help amplify your case, giving judges and juries more details as to how the defendant was the person who caused the accident, and thusly caused your injuries.

If you skimp out on details, information and proof, you are asking for faults in your case to arise and for the defendant to get away with aspects of the case that were not brought to light. This means that you could miss out on receiving the proper amount of compensation for your injuries, or out on receiving compensation as a whole. And we both know that is not fair, and what you deserve.

So, after you have given all the information that you can to your lawyer, they will also have to give that information over to the defendant’s lawyers. And after all the information has been shared, you will have to sit through a deposition.

This is where the other side’s lawyers will ask you questions based on the event and consequent events, such as doctors visits, rehabs, and other stuff of this sort. This process is to make sure that everyone has the same story and to make sure everything matches up. Your lawyer will be doing the same to the defendant.

Following, either a settlement will be made, and your fight to receive compensation will be complete, or you will have to move on and continue fighting in front of judges and juries.

Just keep in mind that after every step, you are that much closer to the end. Car crash cases can take time, but in the end, is it not worth it to know that justice has been served? And the person responsible has been held responsible?

Summing it Up

There has been a lot of information shared here, but to wrap things up, here is a quick recap of everything you need t know about “What Type of Lawyer to Hire After a Crash.”

If you have been involved in a car crash, no matter the vehicle type, the type of attorney you will want to enlist services from are car crash lawyers or personal injury lawyers. These lawyers are specialized in helping people, like you, in receiving proper compensation after someone, or some people, have caused you bodily and/or mental damages.

What Type of Lawyer to Hire After a Crash

The best way to ensure you are choosing the best possible lawyer to represent you is by shopping around. Just as you buy anything, whether it be services or products, you always check reviews. Reviews will tell you both the good and the bad about each lawyer and the services they have provided.

Use these reviews to narrow down your selection, along with strict searches, such as “(Your City) Personal Injury Lawyer.” But after narrowing it down to a few selections, the hard part starts. Just as these lawyers will be interviewing you and your case, you need to be interviewing them. Make sure that they believe in you and your case, and have the determination to get you what you well-deserve.

Once choosing your lawyer, you must provide them will as much detail, information and proof as possible to bolster up your attack and ward off any advances from the defendant’s team. Doing this gives you the best chances at a quick and productive lawsuit. Otherwise, the process can go on for quite a while with depositions, settlement opportunities, trials, and so-on.

If you have any further questions about the process of how to go about the process of starting your personal injury, car crash case, you can also just contact local personal injury lawyers. They are the specialists on the subject and can give you all the information that you need.

At the end of the day, all lawyers are seeking justice, just some are forced to play for the wrong teams. So if you ask any, even if you do not choose them, listen to their advice and act upon it. But do not just get advice from one single lawyer. Ask a few, just as the interviewing process.

As a last few words of encouragement, keep fighting. The process may take time, but the more you do, the closer you are to receiving your well-deserved compensation. Justice will be had, and from then on you can live peacefully, not regretting missing your chance to attain it.

Written By

Matt has over 10 years of legal writing experience. He's worked and written for legal websites for serval websites including Truskett Law, Bruner Law, Jeffrey & Erwin, Gary Crews, PLLC., Deposition Academy, and Wagner & Lynch.


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